Mohamed Megz

I'm a

Web Developer|
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About Me

Get to know me
Who am I?
I'am Mohamed Megz, a Fullstack Web Developer
I am a software developer based in Egypt and I have been building web apps for years, which bring ideas to life. I help convert a vision and idea into meaningful and useful software products. Having the ability to transform requirements into useful software helps me prioritize tasks, iterate and deliver faster. Take a look at my portfolio work and let's see if we can work together on your next project.

Name: Mohamed Megz


From: Cairo, Egypt

My Skills

I use a variety of technologies to build websites mainly the MERN and MEAN Staks, also I have experiances with custom styling frameworks like bootStrap and Tailwind CSS.

I use Node.JS to build the backend of the project you can see examples in the projects section, also this portfolio's backend is built with Node.JS.
MERN Stack
MERN Stack
I use the MERN stack to build the full website where the database is Mongo and the frontend framework is react.
T3 Stack
T3 Stack
I use the latest tech on the scene like T3 Stack as it includes Next.js, Typescript, tRPC, Prisma, Tailwind Css, and Next Auth
I use Angular to build the frontend of the websites, please check the projects section to see example work with Angular.
Next JS
Next JS
I use Next.js to build SEO-optimized applications and provide more diversity when it comes to page rendering methods.
I use Tailwind CSS to help make unique and responsive styling, it's easy to customize and has some ready to use components, check the projects section tech part.

Let's work together!

I am available for full time and freelance projets, Hire me and get your project done.

My Projects

Take a look at some of my work. Make sure to check the demo of the project. For a full list of projects, visit my GitHub account.

This portfolio was built using the T3 stack, including Next.js, Prisma, and tRPC.

E-Commerce Management Solution
project pic
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An online store management solution to customize your store, accept payments, analyze your performance, and provide customer care to your customers.

Hosting Provider Web Application
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A website to manage and provide your domains and sell them online, providing customers with a support system and other help to get their websites to the public.

Payment Integration App
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An online payment integration with Stripe to allow your web app to accept customer payments online.

Admin Dashboard + Online Store
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An easily scalable base for building a management system for your store and managing the store parts as needed.

Courses App
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A TMS that helps teaching academies and centers manage their teams and provides an easier way to interact with students. Features a scalable module for each section of the application and a well-structured system covering the basic needs of any low to mid-level organization.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me any time.



Cairo, Egypt


Copyright © 2022 Mohamed Megz all rights reserved. Developed by Mohamed.